Tuesday, October 11, 2011

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting along with each other

Hi Young Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have created a Wallwisher wall. It is a simple webpage where we all can post our messages easily.

So simply go to http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/gettingalongS1-04 and post your message there.

Happy Posting!

Mr Nooh

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Godfrey Gan (10)

Traits of a true Leader:

1. Desire - One must have a strong desire to see others succeed. A leader must give and serve to his followers in order to gain success and the right to be known as a leader.

2. Faith - As the great Napoleon Hill states in his masterpiece "Think and Grow Rich", "FAITH is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!" Just as we have faith in religion, family, and friends, a true leader will have faith in their team of followers and believe in each and every one of them without discrimination.

3.Commitment - A strong and un-deniable commitment to your team of followers is crucial. Individuals feel that sense of dedication and commitment to seeing them succeed from the one specific leader that they are looking to for success and if for some odd reason that confidence and feeling of security goes missing, so will the individual and, make no mistake about it, several others.

4.Honesty - Honesty and Integrity go hand-in-hand in showing excellent leadership qualities. Dishonesty in your leadership will be noticed, if not immediately, but in due time and can destroy all efforts made to succeed. So let's keep it simple, remain at all times honest with your following team, and you will always be their leader.

5.Uniqueness - This is a great quality to have. As people, not one person is the same and we are already unique amongst others. Being unique in leadership maintains the focus on you as a leader and you will always maintain the interest of your team members. There's nothing worse than becoming a boring leader. It's a sure way to not be considered a leader at all.

Keep in mind that not everyone has the same opinion as I do in regards to what the best leadership qualities are, but in the experience that I have had in my field and industry, these are above all the ones that I noticed the most. You will probably have your own favorite 5 or even 10 qualities of leadership. Remember, you must show those qualities in order for you to become successful. "Give and you shall receive." I wish you all the best in life and business, and if I've have shown those qualities to you here please feel free to leave your comments. I always love to hear from my readers.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Enoch Yang Sheng Xun (09)

I think that a good leader is positive, responsible and consistent. A good leader also needs to know how to communicate, listen and be fun.

A leader needs to be positive so that
he/she can set the tone for the environment. An optimistic attitude from a leader can carry over to others. Confidence is contagious; so is the lack of it. Employees mirror the tone that leaders set. So if leaders are positive, optimistic and confident, the employees will mirror it.

A leader also needs to be responsible because
when an employee makes a mistake, it is the leader's responsibility to help him or her improve. Employees will never respect a leader who deflects criticism toward the team. Successful leaders think of themselves as "we," not "I." It is a leader's responsibility to ensure that everyone shares in the team's success.

A leader also has to be consistent as
flip-flopping between styles confuses employees.  Leaders should stick with one style of leadership. Those who look to leaders for leadership must know what to expect on a daily basis. Also, leaders should make decisions consistently. It is important not to bring their personal feelings to the workplace. When dealing with employees, they should stay focused on the situation or issue, not on the person. Leaders connect with some workers better than others. Leaders should try not to let relationships taint their response.

A leader should also know how to communicate well.
Good leaders are good communicators. They clearly convey their message in a way that connects with the listener. Good leaders understand that his teammates tailor his/her message to the needs of each worker. If someone is analytical, a leader should construct his/her message focusing on facts and data. If someone is more relational, he/she should construct the message in a way that conveys emotion and focuses on how the change impacts people.

A leader should also be a listener.
The most important characteristic of a leader is being a good listener. A leader should focus on the needs of his/her employees. Often people feel afraid of, or intimidated by, management. A leader should make sure he shows people he are willing to listen to what they have to say, that they are important and worthy of his/her time.

A leader should also be fun.
A successful leader has fun in the process. Lightness can complement the seriousness of the job. A fun environment doesn't indicate a lack of professionalism. In fact, a fun environment contributes to the team's results and retention.

Source: http://www.asashop.org/autoinc/jan2005/manage.htm

FW: eLearning CE: Activity 3 Jemima Leong (03)

From: jemima_leong@hotmail.com
To: papateecantik.s101@blogger.com
Subject: eLearning CE: Activity 3 Jemima Leong (03)
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 09:20:57 +0800

Traits of a good leader


Most good leaders have great vision. They know where they want to go and they know how to motivate people to believe in this same vision they have for their community, country and their lives. They view things as what they could be and not what they are.

2. Wise

Being a good leader usually means that they have to make critical calls at assorted points in their organization. Having the knowledge to make the correct call is crucial in making sure the organization is successful. Good leaders are strategic, wise and perceptive.

3. Passionate

Good leaders are very passionate people. They're intensely obsessed in whatever they are focused on. It could be business, sports or a hobby, these individuals are intensely focused. They operate with such a high level of passion that they get consumed in it. They take action!

4. Compassion

Good leaders have compassion for their supporters or employees. They have great coaching and development skills. While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they consistently care for the individuals that support them. They're not selfish individuals only thinking about their own wants and needs. Most have a heart for the people that follow them.

5. Charismatic

Most good leaders are captivating. They're charming individuals and they tend to draw people in with their personalities. It could be in the way they talk, the way they carry themselves. They are excellent a building relationships and demanding performance from their peers. These individuals have an X-factor that you are drawn to.

6. Great Communicators

Good leaders are usually great orators and persuaders. They're very comfortable with public speaking and are very inspiring people. It isn't surprising that they can develop a good following with this communication ability.

7. Persistent

Good leaders are determined in attaining their goals. They know that reaching their destination can be filled with problems. Notwithstanding, they see that the advantages of attaining their goals is larger than that of the problems that occurred. This makes them intensely persistent individuals.

8. Integrity

Good leaders mean what they say. They have integrity. They're individuals who keep their guarantees and they do not play the old political games that plenty of others do. People find them reliable and as such are dedicated to them.

9. Daring

They are bold. Winston Churchill states that courage is the virtue on which all others virtue rest on. Good leaders are bold enough to chase after their dreams. Although the fears are real, a daring leader pursues them regardless of the fears that exist.

10. Disciplined

Most good leaders are very controlled in the pursuit of their goals. Where most individuals would be simply distracted or dejected, good leaders discipline their minds to keep focused and steady regardless of the situation. 

Source of reference: http://hubpages.com/hub/Good-Leadership-10-Characteristics-Good-Leader

How a leader manages crisis under a stressful situation
A good leader will be able to keep calm and find a way to help. He/she will not get frustrated and give up. A good leader will be able to save whatever there is to save. A good leader, no matter how stress, will not vent his/her frustration. He/she will be as calm as possible and solve the crisis.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Kaelan Mikowicz (15)

A leader is able to keep his cool in bad situations. This will allow him to think clearly and be able to asses the situation carefully. This will allow him to make better decisions that are better for everyone. A leader always strives for excellence from himself as so that he will be of his best to serve the people. A leader is kind and passionate about his people as this pushes him to find ways to improve the lives of the people. A leader should also be able to inspire others to be confident in him and know that they are in good hands.

In a time of crisis, a leader must stay calm and analise  the situation clearly. He must priortise the urgency of which situation must be resolved first. The leader must inspire others to be confident that they will be able to get through the ordeal and that he is doing his all to help them. The leader must be able to take steps to improve the situation.

Citation: http://ezinearticles.com/?Seven-Personal-Characteristics-Of-A-Good-Leader&id=59305

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Muhammad Imanni Mikraj(17)

 Nelson Mandela

- His traits are his strength of spirit, honour, integrity and leadership.

- I think that a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations by remaining calm and think quickly to overcome the crisis easily.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Lim Yi Xian(13)

     Leaders possess traits like confidence, responsibility, honesty, care, determination and is influential, have foresight, be strategic, smart and intelligent.
     Under stressful situations, the leader should calm down the people that he is leading. Next, he must look at the problem from different perspectives and calmly think of the best solution for solving the problem. After that, he should think of the consequences of the solutions that he had thought of and amend the solution accordingly.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Lim Jing Yi(04) (redone)

A good leader must have these traits:
- Honest
- Caring
- Confidence
These trait are what a good leader should have. Honest, because if the leader is not truthful, the group members will not be able to put their full trust in him/her. A good leader should also care for the group and help out if they have any troubles, personal or otherwise. When a leader is confident, he/she is able to lead the group well, because he/she will know exactly what they have to get done and will give exact and detailed information to the group, causing them to be more efficient in their work.

 A good leader when faced with a crisis under stressful situations will always keep calm and cool, and will proceed to calm the rest of his group down, not panicking and freaking out when everybody else is, and then give out instructions for everyone, including himself, to cope with and help the crisis. He/She will also be a good example by helping out with the crisis and taking up most of the workload him/herself. A good leader will never blame anyone for causing the crisis.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Genevieve Foo (2)

Traits of a good leader:
- Passion. A leader with passion for a cause that is bigger than the leader itself is effective.
- Have a dream and vision. Someone with a dream and vision that will make the society betteror at least a portion of it.
- Is a charismatic leader but will never only do evil or promote themselves.
- Is not a manipulator
- Make courageous and difficult decisions and carry them into action.
- Have values that are life-giving to society. 
- Respect others
- Leads with respect
- Deal with diversity
- Have creativity
- Think of others before himself

I think a good leader will stay calm no matter what the crisis at hand is. He will clear his mind of other things and try to think a way to solve the problem or part of it. He will also make sure that if the crisis involves harm coming to his people, he will help his people first. He will try his best to solve the problem at all costs. 

Status: Doing Homework....What else would I be doing??
Mood: Always stressed out thanks to Homework
Message to everyone: Hello there!!
Availability: Very Busy.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Isaac Lim Yi Jie (11)

A leader is someone who possesses traits such as honesty, the ability to look forward, competency, inspiration and intelligence. These traits will show others that he/she is a good leader.

A leader manages crisis by calming down and prevent himself/herself from getting frustrated and thinking for himself/herself. He/She would also be optimistic and try to evaluate on what he/she can do. After doing so, he/she would have a better idea on how to handle the situation and with that knowledge, he/she would be able to avoid the crisis.

E-learning activity 3 Wee Chang Han (20)

Lee Kuan Yew, also known as MM Lee, is a great leader of Singapore. He is very resilient and handles situations with the right methods. He reacts calmly to difficult situations and lead Singapore through difficult times.He pushed for a merger with Malaysia but the integration proved to be too much for both sides and the then Malaysia Prime Minister decided that Singapore should be separated from the Union. After that, he still did not give up hope and continued leading Singapore and he brought it all the way from a 3rd world country to a first world metropolitan city today.Singapore is one of the world's success stories and Lee is the man behind this success. Although a lot of critics question his style of leadership, but no one will question the success of Singapore that he has brought.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Jerome Heng (12)

A leader must possess emotional stability, as they will encounter a lot of stress and frustration. Without emotional stability, they may not be able to continue after they suffer a major loss. They must also have the maturity to deal with anything they are required to face. Leaders must have dominance, as many leaders are competitive and this trait is required if the leaders want to stay in the competition. Leaders must be enthusiastic. 

They are required to be optimistic to be open to change and succeed. 

Leaders must face reality in a crisis. They cannot solve their problems if they do not even acknowledge their existence. Leaders should have the backing of their team when handling a crisis.




eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Nurain Iffah (06)

Leaders possess many admirable traits, such as being team oriented, just and impartial, a good listener, courageous, confident and responsible.

When leaders face a problem, they would always keep in mind of "grace under pressure" by which they would not panic and calmly assess their situation. This is so they would not make any rash bad decisions, which they might regret and which could bring to their downfall.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Chen Hao Xian (08) S01-04

Traits of a leader
  • Honest 
  • Competent 
  • Forward-looking 
  • Inspiring  
  • Intelligent  
  • Fair-minded 
  • Broad-minded 
  • Courageous
  • Straightforward 
  • Imaginative 
  • Excellence
  • Perseverance
  • Strong vision

In times of trouble, a leader would tries his best to help out. Even if he were to fail, he would most likely persevere. HE will think of ways to solve it. He would try to solve it even with the most impossible ways. He is courageous and will give it his all to solve it

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Aziel M. Soriano (7)

Traits of a Good Leader

  • Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
  • Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
  • Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
  • Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
  • Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

What a Leader does and should do during difficult times.

Congregational leadership, even in the best of times, is a difficult calling. When a church is struggling with conflict and anxiety, it can feel almost impossible. Some leaders are likely to absorb the negative feelings and end up feeling depressed or discouraged. Others move to deflect them and become angry and combative.

In her little book Extraordinary Leadership, Dr. Roberta Gilbert describes high-level leaders as those who cycle through a series of intentional behaviors designed to help them respond to difficult situations without being pressed into certain reactions by the demands of others. They continually watch, think, connect and reflect.

1. Watch. Like a general on a hilltop observing troop movements, it is the leader's job to remain above the fray and watch the system to see what is really going on. Instead of being caught up in the emotional reactivity of the group, the leader is able to look for patterns in the way people behave and look past simplistic cause-and-effect explanations for that behavior. Instead, he or she will be able to observe the complex webs of relationships in the congregation and make decisions that take into account that complexity.

Creech describes this process in another way: "When I began teaching my daughter to drive this year, I realized how much you're watching and taking in as you drive on the freeway. You're constantly looking ahead, behind, down the road so that you can make your own decisions about what is going on around you. In leadership, if you aren't watching what is going on, you may find yourself having to react to something you didn't see coming."

We often hear, "The only person I can change is myself." It is questionable whether we actually believe this is true since we spend an enormous amount of time trying to change others. A high- level leader is most interested in his or her own behavior and patterns. Gilbert writes, "The primary effort goes to self and learning to relate better—not to changing the group." Therefore, a high-level leader is not only watching the patterns and behavior of the group but is also focused on his or her own.

2. Think. Science tells us that as our emotions become intense, our ability to think clearly and make good decisions diminishes. As a result, in tense situations, we feel emotionally overwhelmed and make poor decisions that we later regret.

Surgeons, athletes, and others use the power of rehearsal to prepare for those challenges. A basketball player may imagine himself shooting free throws. A surgeon may mentally walk through every step of a surgery many times before ever picking up a scalpel. Creech says, "If I'm going into a difficult situation, like a tense meeting, it is helpful to rehearse and to ask myself important questions—How do I want to be with these people? How do I want to behave? What might happen? How will I respond?"

It is the leader's job to think through the predictable ways that the group relates and ways to alter those entrenched patterns. It is also the leader's job to think about his or her own contribution to those patterns and ways to change himself or herself in the emotional moments.

It is one of the leader's most important tasks is to identify the shared values and deeply held principles of the group and think about ways to ensure that they are respected and expressed, even in the face of emotional reactivity. Creech reminds us, "To think about this ahead of time makes it more likely that we will actually do what we want to do."

3. Connect. Once a leader has carefully observed what is really going on and has thought

through constructive ways to behave, he or she must take on the messy work of actually

engaging the people in the emotionally difficult situation. This is where the leader practices doing

what was decided earlier.

However, natural self-protective instincts tell us to move away from people with whom we feel

angry or hurt or threatened. We try to avoid contact with them or we stay emotionally

disconnected when we are forced to be around them.

High-level leaders, though, intentionally stay in calm contact with everyone in the system,

including those who elicit negative feelings. Creech points out that although we may feel an

instinctive need to distance ourselves, that impulse is usually counterproductive. "I have to

remind myself that there is no real danger to me," he says. "Then I can make the phone call,

have the conversation, send the email." He adds, "Sometimes it's best if the connection isn't

related to the issue. With a church member, it may be better to ask about their grandchildren

than about their doctrine of salvation."

Staying connected, especially when it is difficult to do so, is also one of the highest-level spiritual

interventions that a leader can make. Jesus requires us to stay connected with everyone in our

lives, including our enemies, at least through loving prayer. Creech adds, "Staying connected,

without attacking or blaming, gives me a chance to have an influence on the relationship. You

can't influence what you're not connected to."

4. Reflect. In the midst of connecting with other people and relating differently to them, the

leader is also continually looking in the rear view mirror. Creech says, "Seeing things in

retrospect and reflecting on them is what all professionals do, whether it's Tiger Woods thinking

about a shot or a coach watching film on a game or an attorney reviewing a case. Professionals

ask, 'What did I learn?' 'What can I do better?'"

High-level leaders are also high-level learners, looking for ways to ensure that they are always

living out their most deeply held values. Creech reminds us that this kind of prayerful reflection is

essential. "These are the places where I learn," he says. "To just go over it in my mind and feel

the feelings doesn't really help much. Reflection is where the learning happens."


eLearning CE:Activity 3-Benjamin Woo Zhi Kang(20)

   Good leaders possess traits like being passionate about people,strategic thinking and decision making,being able to motivate people to support you,has handy knowledge,knows how to take the initiative,has flexibility to overcome stressful situations,yet also persistent when standing up for what is right.
   I think that good leaders must be flexible to handle stressful situations.They must also take the initiative and help the people when in need.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Justin Lim (14)

Leaders posses many positive traits that help them be better leaders in society. One of which is persistence. Every group has a goal that has to be reached, a good leader would do his/her best to lead the group to their goal. Having persistence means to overcome the challenges that the world gives you and only become better after facing the challenge.
Another trait would be confidence, several times groups may face people who are of a higher superiority. If the group is not able to voice out their opinion, the leader should have the confidence to voice it out. The leader should be confident enough to stand up for the group and voice out the ideas of the group. 
A leader should also be able to motivate his group. If the group is down or think they "Can't do it" it is a leader's job to help give the group some motivation. As a group can achieve more when they are motivated rather then depressed or feel like giving up.

In a crisis or stressful situation a leader should approach the situation calmly. He/she should first calm down, as it is easier to think when a person is calm rather than panicking. Next the leader should think about possible solutions, also if the solutions are cheap and affordable. If nothing comes to mind the leader could search on the web for some answers. After finding a possible solution a leader should check with the group if they approve the solution, however if they disagree and this is the only solution the leader should consider applying the solution. A leader should never panic whenever he/she meets a stressful situation or crisis, nor should the leader do nothing about it. 

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Lim Jing Yi(04)

Mao Ze Dong
     Mao Ze Dong, or Chairman Mao, is one of the most influential people of the 20th century. He was a Chinese revolutionary, the leader of the Chinese Revolution. 
The traits he possessed were:
  • Good control of his men
  • Could think ahead
  • Great military strategists
When faced with a crisis, Mao was able to think and come up with a good solution instead of getting angry or frustrated.


Activity 3 Harriz Adry 16

A leader is someone who possesses traits such as honesty, responsibility,courage,trustworthy,
caring and intelligent.These traits will show others that you are a strong leader.

A leader manages crisis by calming down and thinking for himself instead of what others say and
also predict the future after a decision is about to be made.he or she would also see from other points of view before deciding.

Harriz Adry 16 

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Cassandra Mah (1)

To me , a leader possesses varies kind of good traits for example,
A good leader should be optimistic ,don't give up hope easily.
So when a leader meets a crisis under stressful situation, he/she will stand out and guide the people in the crisis out of the problem they are in together.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Ng Carven (5)

The traits leaders posses are Performance, Learning, Leadership, Knowledge, Vision, Passionate and Decisive.
A good leader manages crisis under stressful situations by taking initiative to consult and coach. They will have to model positive attitudes and think clearly before doing anything. Embrace a positive attitude, adjust quickly to the new environment, make choices and decisions confidently, do more research to dissolve the crisis.


eLearning CE: Activity 3 -Brendan Ng(18)

  The traits a leader must possess are honest, forward-looking, competent, inspiring and intelligent. This traits allow others to see you more as a leader and will trust in you to lead them well.
  A good leader would look at the situation, no matter how bad it is, with a calm head and evaluate on what he can and what he should do. Then, after evaluating on the situation, he or she would do whatever possible to help curb the crisis.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

2011 eLearning Week: Instructions for ACTIVITY 3

Research on lives of a leader.
  • What traits do they possess?
  • How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
Submission of Work 
  1. Post your research in the blog (as shown in the table below) via email.
    • The class Character Education blog is newly created. You have not been invited as a co-author yet.
  2. Craft your research findings in an email.
    • Cite the resources that your referred in at the end of the write-up.
  3. Set the Subject title of the email to be: eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Your Name (Reg number)
    • Example: eLearning CE: Activity 3 Timothy Tan (25)
  4. Email your research to the email address given in the Googlesite.
    • Your post will be published automatically on this class Character Education's blog.